Some of you may have noticed there was a brief break in blog posts over here at Valerie Michelle Photography. No need to worry, we are still up and running, but we had to take a small time away to welcome our baby girl into the world! Addison Mae Astlin made her arrival on Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 9:28 am weighing in at a whopping 8lbs 4oz!


At just over one week old Addie loves eating, sleeping, and dirtying her diaper (as well as pooping and peeing on mommy as much as possible mid diaper changes). The usual for a newborn. She also loves to spend a few hours a day hanging out looking around trying to get a grasp on this new little life of hers. We love to watch her look around with her big beautiful eyes that were first a dark blue but are beginning to look a little more green. Mommy also loves to admire the full head of dark beautiful hair she has.


Addison is already loved more than she could ever know, and has showed us that we could love more than we ever thought we could. She makes our hearts so full and we are so blessed to have her, creating our little family. Richie and I couldn’t be any happier to be able to experience this journey together with out little one!



